And another miracle of product design...

"Self-adhesive handle installs in seconds to any toilet, allowing you to lift or lower the seat without touching it. Easy to use and easy to keep clean, it helps protect hands from toilet seat germs."
Excuse me? Is it easier to use and keep clean than that toilet seat itself? Does the beautiful scalloped edge keep germs at bay? And who Photoshopped that blue water onto the picture? Sorry, but they should be fired. It's not even remotely the right shape.
Apparently, this particular company thinks their customer base includes complete germaphobes as well as germ lovers. How else could you explain this:

In other news,

Further damage done to intercostal muscles.
Back in the day there was a fantabulous blog called You Knit What?? the perusing of which each morning set me up for the entire day.
Perhaps you should have a special blog category for product ponderings... :-D
I thought for a moment that the blue seat cover was CASHMERE...wouldn't that be another utterly unnecessary luxury item...but I bet it would sell!
rr said: "Perhaps you should have a special blog category for product ponderings... :-D"
I like that idea. It could be really fun. I am afraid though that if this blog actually had a purpose I'd feel more compelled to post everyday. Could I handle the pressure?
brandy101 said: "CASHMERE" Did you see that Stephen Colbert show?
Why do my links never work in blogger comments? I must not be doing the HTML right.
I don't even want to think about that toilet sweater.
I'm sure to have nightmares now.
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